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Council and Trustees
Council and Trustees
Scholarship Application
Applications must be submitted by 31 May 2021.
E-mail the Secretary
Call The Secretary
Applicant's Details
Please complete the following information with your details.
Applicant's surname (CAPITALS)
Christian names in full
Home address (excluding postcode)
Home telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Email address
Date of birth
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Place of birth
Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups
Asian / Asian British
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British / Other ethnic group
I do not wish to register
Number of dependent children in family, including applicant
Age(s) of dependent children in family, including applicant
Have you served in HM Armed Forces?
Full details of applicant's own service
Parent/ Guardian's Details
Please complete the following information with your parent/ guardian's details.
Parent/ guardian's contact telephone number
Parent/ guardian's email address
Are either of your parents deceased?
Details of deceased parent(s)
Mother or father
Date of death (dd/mm/yy)
Place of death
Father's present occupation
If retired, state 'Retired' If deceased state 'Deceased'
Mother's present occupation
If retired, state 'Retired' If deceased state 'Deceased'
Parent's Service in HM Armed Forces (Parent 1)
Particulars of parent's service in HM Armed Forces, giving name, service number, rank, decorations, and date of commencement of service and of retirement. For candidates with an Army background, please state Regiment or Corps.
Full name
Service number
Which service (Parent 1)?
Regiment or Corps
Details of any decorations
Date of commencement of service
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Date of retirement from service
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have both your parents served in HM Armed Forces?
Parent's Service in HM Armed Forces (Parent 2)
Particulars of other parent's service in HM Armed Forces, giving name, service number, rank, decorations, and date of commencement of service and of retirement. For candidates with an Army background, please state Regiment or Corps.
Full name
Service number
Which service (Parent 2)?
Regiment or Corps
Details of any decorations
Date of commencement of service
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Date of retirement from service
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Educational Details
Please complete the following details regarding your educational history, achievements and qualifications
Are you, or have you been, a candidate for any award from any of the sources mentioned below? If so, name the source and result of your application
College or University Scholarship
Local Education Authority grant
Industrial or Services grant
Other grants, including, Trust Funds, Private Income, School Scholarships
Regarding your award, please name the source and result of your application
Secondary Education
Please complete the following details for the school where you completed your secondary education
School name
School address (excluding postcode)
Name of Headmaster/ Principal
Email address of Headmaster/ Principal
Telephone number of Headmaster/ Principal
Please complete the following details regarding your proposed plans for university
Degree course subject
Degree qualification
Duration of degree course
Which type of university offer(s) have you received?
Unconditional place
Conditional place
Select all that apply.
Unconditional offer details
At which university(s) have you been offered an unconditional place?
In what year do you hope to obtain your degree?
At which university(s) have you been offered an unconditional place?
Conditional offer details
At which university(s) have you been offered a conditional place?
In what year do you hope to obtain your degree?
At which university(s) have you been offered a conditional place?
Examination Results
In what subjects have you passed in the following or comparable examinations?
Which of the following qualifications do you have?
GCSE or equivalent
AS Level or equivalent
International Baccalaureate
Pre-university/ other subject
Please complete details of all your GCSEs or equivalent qualifications
GCSE or equivalent subject
Please complete details of all your GCSEs or equivalent qualifications
Please complete details of all your AS Level or equivalent qualifications
AS Level or equivalent subject
Please complete details of all your AS Level or equivalent qualifications
Please complete details of all your International Baccalaureate qualifications
IB subject
Please complete details of all your International Baccalaureate qualifications
Please complete details of all your pre-university/ other subject qualifications
Pre-university/ other subject
Please complete details of all your pre-university/ other subject qualifications
Advanced or Scholarship Level Qualifications
Offered by applicant in the summer of this academic year
A Level or Scholarship Level
Grade (state if predicted or actual)
Career prospects and Interests
What are you considering as a future career?
What are your chief interests and activities and what positions of responsibility have you held?
Have you carried out any employment?
What employment(s) have you carried out?
Interviews and Final Comments
Interviews take place in London in July, August and September. If you intend to study in Scotland you should consider a July interview as Scottish universities tend to start early in September.
Would you prefer a July appointment?
Note: Every candidate must let the Secretary know by email his or her A-Level (or equivalent) results immediately they are published, if possible with confirmation of university location, subject and duration of degree course.
Additional Comments
This box may be used by applicants for making any special statement in support of this application.
I hereby declare that the statements made on this form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Giving your signature here indicates that you agree to our Data protection Privacy Notice which is shown below.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Data Protection Privacy Notice
The Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund (LKNMF) need to collect data to allow the processing of your application for a Scholarship. Should your application for a Scholarship be unsuccessful, the data you provided will be destroyed. If you are successful and awarded a Scholarship, your data will be held and used by the LKNMF and the Kitchener Scholars’ Association (KSA) Alumni. Your contact details will not be shared, sold or otherwise disposed of to any organization other than those stated. You will only be contacted by the LKNMF and KSA for matters relating to the business of your Scholarship and membership of the Alumni, including fundraising for the same. We only require your bank details to process your travel expenses and Scholarship payments. After this, the financial information you have provided will be destroyed. Your contact information will be held securely by the Secretary of the LKNMF and KSA and you will be able to withdraw your agreement to be contacted at any time and ask for the information we hold to be destroyed. At the bottom of your Scholarship application you are to indicate on the application your agreement to the LKNMF and KSA to hold the data as outlined in this privacy notice.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.